Saturday, July 27, 2002


I've put up the old front page to the main site since I've been exceptionally lazy about going in and fixing the broken pages I put up in the first place. For those of you who haven't been there/didnt' know it existed, please take a swing by, won't you? I saw a ton of websites this week that all blew away my lame-o first try at frames, so I think I'm going to take my time on this and really try and put forth a solid effort before I post the face-lift for the site.

My sister Jamie stayed over last night, and we've got more family to visit today, so there's not a whole lot of blogging to be done lately. To make up for it, I give you the funniest things I saw/read all week:

True Porn Clerk Stories. "I'm not even supposed to be here today!" Well, not quite, but Ali is certainly a more likeable person than Dante ever was. And they're real.

Behind the Typeface: Cooper Black You've already seen this one if you read Little. Yellow. Different. Broadband only, as the movie takes forever to load.

Krazy Korean Yahoo Pop Up Ads I don't know what to say about this one other than "just keep clicking the reload button" after the page has finished loading and you're done laughing your ass off. The floating ads are on a rotation cycle, so there's a few of them to look/laugh at. My personal favorite: "The guy in the BMW."

You Pray With That Mouth? Indeed, I even kiss my Mother with that mouth. I'm so going to hell.

Have a good weekend, everybody.

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