Friday, November 29, 2002

Future Possible Celebrity Sighting

I'm sad to say that it seems that Ali Davis of True Porn Clerk Stories has made her final entry. If you haven't made it a point to read her saga yet, you might want to do so now. It's long, but well worth the read.

On one hand, I'm really upset that I won't have her intelligent, witty, and humorous writings to entertain me while I'm waiting for files to load at work. On the other hand, I'm really happy that someone as intelligent, witty, and humorous as her has been able to find a calling more suited for her than say...cataloging porn.

Hopefully, due to her current digs as a writer/producer at Jellyvision (makers of the now famous You Don't Know Jack), I might have a run-in with her at the Chipotle I eat at weekly, since we seem to see the Jellyvision gang in there having lunch on occassion.

If I were a funnier writer, or at least one who was somewhat awake, this is the part where I would make some wild and humorous narrative comparison about how when our two game companies have a run-in at Chipotle and make eye contact like that we then break out into West Side Story songs, with the Midway gang staking its turf against its rivals: Jellyvision.

Christ, it's late.

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