Wednesday, October 08, 2003
The Hive
Holy Fucking Shit. I had to kill like 16 yellow-jackets inside the house this morning. Allow me to emphasize a couple of things here for the folks reading this who haven't had their morning coffee yet:
So I've gone from having a nest inside the front bay-window/wall of the house to having them decide to co-habitate with us. Wonderful. Exterminator comes on Saturday. I was going to have him come visit for a spell after my doctor's appointment today, but I've got more exciting things to be doing, wasps or no.
And let me tell you something. Wasps are the most resiliant little fuckers on earth. I cut one in half trying to kill it and the top half still lived. I'd beat them like 80 times with the magazine on the carpet and they were still kicking. It got to the point where I'd have to push them back up against the French Freedom doors they were originally clinging to just so I could have something solid to smash them against. So after I beat them all into submission (body parts everywhere; we're talking decapitations, disembowellings, de-wingings, limbs flying everywhere), I had to then scoop them all up into a cup, and gas them with some insectiside because they all weren't dead yet and some were managing to crawl back out of the cup despite the fact that they were missing limbs. Then I put a wood block on top of the cup for good measure. Just in case they decided to pull some sort of crazy assed Terminator shit and get up after I'd killed them twice.
Hopefully I'll have pictures later. Of the exciting thing. The dead wasps are kinda gross.